Informazioni Generali
15 000,00 DA
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Eurl dragon machines is an Algerian company. Specialized in the import-export of advanced industrial machinery and equipment and all related services; (Raw material, storage, delivery, installation, after sales services and Business consulting ...) offers you a choice embara in paper and plastic industry machines such as:
* production line of cardboard trays
* hygienic toilet paper machine
* paper towel machine
* paper goblet machine
* wet linguette machine
* paper bag making machine with or without printing
* machine manufacturing paper towel with or without printing
* plastic bag making machine
* plastic cup making machine
and any other type of industrial machine
for more information please contact us at:
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Siège Sétif : Rue Bahri Abd El-Madjid , Coopérative El Baraka Cité SNTR N°02 Sétif
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Numero di visite : 2460
Ultima visita il : 02/02 a 05:36
Riferimento : 29014