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For products you cant find here in our price list,feel free to ask us as we
might have them in our store.
For more enquires contact :
Canon EOS C200 EF Cinema Camera and 24-105mm Lens:
PRICE: $1,800 Dollars.
Canon EOS-1D X Mark II DSLR Camera Body, Black:
Price: $2,000 Dollars.
Canon EOS R Mirrorless Digital Camera Body Only:Price: $1,000 Dollars.
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera with 24-105mm f4L II Lens:Price: $1,200
Canon XF705 4K 1" Sensor XF-HEVC H.265 Pro Camcorder:Price: $3,000 Dollars
Canon EOS C100 Mark II with Dual Pixel CMOS AF & EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM
Zoom:Price: $2,500 Dollars.
Larger orders attracts a better price.
For more enquires contact :
charles agim
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