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Hussein Laboratory. We lead the industry in cleaning bank stained notes from pink to black dyed currency. Our main line of products and services serve the financial industry as a whole, where our main clients are banks and humanitarian organization individual companys and parties are welcome too. we are one of Southern Africa leading SSD Automatic solution, Vectrol Paste, TTZ Universal Solution, Zuta S4, Castrox Oxide HQ45, SSD Solution PK 58 distributor and fabricant.La SSD solution as a whole is the best on the market chemicals for cleaning the fight against banknote breeze, currency disfigured notes marked and the likes. You will be amazed by the power and speed of this chemical that is capable of cleaning notes / currency with BREEZE capacity. We stock limited SSD Solution for cleaning the ANTI-TICKETS breeze, or "black money". If you have the "Black Money 'and your cleaning solution has coagulated or gone hard with time, we can offer replacement at a reasonable cost. SSD automatic solution for cleaning defaced banknotes Anti-brise.Pour all you must contact us Chemical Laboratory SA Hussein
Universal SSD SOLUTION We VECTROL PATE, Hussein is a laboratory based in Johannesburg, South Africa which specializes in the chemistry of anti-breeze bank are notes. fusion and chemical recovery, currency / notes testing and analysis. Dr. Hussein 00212648653152 We are a company that has subsidiaries in Africa and Europe aSia America and Malaysia, ecoutes to all your problems in this areas we veills contacts for the fastest resolution posibles fast your problems regarding ticket bank failed or mottled black and blue or worm: aux00212659819490; Kovaclaboratry@gmail.com

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Última visita el : 14/03 en 10:56

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